BBK OFF: To those born later 3

Eka 2022
Uninvited Guests egileek 150 urte barru irekiko den denboran zeharreko kapsula batean sartzea proposatu digute. To Those Born Later (International Collection) izenburuko online performance interaktiboan hainbat herrialdetako taldeak bilduko dira denboran zeharreko kapsula horretan sartu beharko litzatekeena eztabaidatzeko. Zer gorde nahiko zenuke zure seme-alabentzat eta ondorengoentzat? Zure telefono mugikorretik argazki bakarra aukeratu ahal izanez gero, zein izango litzateke? Soinu bakarra gordeko bazenu, zein hautatuko zenuke? Eta zein mezu bidali nahiko zenieke etorkizunean munduan biziko direnei? Zatoz nahi duzun hori jagotera: zeurea den zerbait, zure auzokoa eta zure kulturakoa, oraindik jaio ez direnei helarazteko. Emanaldi bakoitza bestelakoa da, ikusleek ikusleentzat egindakoa. Denboran zeharreko kapsularen edukia topaketa bakoitzeko ikusleek aukeratuko dute eta, geroago, handitzen dabilen online fitxategiari gehitzen diote. Perform Europe programaren barruan, Bilboko, Budapesteko eta Belgradeko ikusleek aparteko bizipen batean parte hartuko dute aldi berean. Guztien hiri, bizimodu eta kultura desberdinetatik, zure ondarea etorkizuneko belaunaldientzat trukatzeko eta partekatzeko asmoz online batzartuko zara. Hasieran antzezlana egitea agindu zuen erakundea Beaford Arts Centre da. Laguntzaileak: Arts Council England, Heritage Lottery Fund, Digital Preservation Coalition, Pervasive Media Studio, University of Bristol, Bristol Ferment, ArtsDepot, Trinity Community Arts, Barbican OpenLabs eta The Albany. To Those Born Later ikuskizunak Performing Futures: Uninvited Guests 'Billennium and To Those Born Later izeneko proiektua osatzen du. Urrunetik egindako 2022ko apiriletik ekainera arteko bira honek hurrengo laguntzaileak ditu: (Espainiako) IKUSEEARTE, (Serbiako) Students' City Cultural Center eta (Hungariako) Artopolis Association. <a href="">Perform Europe EBk</a> finantzatutako proiektua da, eta bere helburua da mugetan zehar arte eszenikoak nola aurkezten diren berriz pentsatzea, modu inklusibo, iraunkor eta orekatuagoan, bira- eta banaketa-praktika berriak testatuz eta EBren etorkizuneko laguntza-plan baterako gomendio politikoak formulatuz. 18 hilabeteko bidaia honek ikerketa-fase bat, plataforma digital bat abiaraztea, laguntza-plan bat frogatzea eta gomendio politikoak diseinatzea barne hartzen ditu. Perform Europe Europar Batasunaren Europa Sortzailea Programak finantzatzen du, eta bost erakundek osatutako partzuergo batek garatzen du: <a href="">arte Eszeniko Garaikideetarako Nazioarteko Sarea (IETM)</a>, <a href="">Jaialdien Europako Elkartea (EFA)</a>, <a href="">Zirkostrada</a>, <a href="">Dantza Etxeen Europako Sarea (EDN)</a> eta <a href="">IDEA Consult</a>. Part of the Perform Europe Program Uninvited Guests are creating a digital time capsule to be opened in 150 years. To Those Born Later (International Collection) is an interactive online performance, bringing together groups from different countries to discuss what should go into that time capsule. What do you want to save for our children’s children’s children’s children? If you could only choose one photo from your phone, which would it be? If you could only preserve one sound from the world now, what would you choose? And what message would you want to send to future inhabitants of the world? Join us in preserving something of you, your community and culture, for those who are yet to be born. Every show is different, made with and for its audience. The content of the time capsule is chosen by those in each meeting and added to the growing online archive. As part of the Perform Europe Program, audiences from Bilbao, Budapest and Belgrade will participate simultaneously in a unique experience. You will come together online to exchange and share what you want to pass down, from your different cities, lives and cultures, to future generations. Originally commissioned by Beaford Arts Centre, and supported by Arts Council England, the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Digital Preservation Coalition, Pervasive Media Studio, University of Bristol, Bristol Ferment, ArtsDepot, Trinity Community Arts, Barbican OpenLabs, and the Albany. Perform Europe is an EU-funded project aimed to rethink how performing arts works are presented across borders in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way by testing new touring and distribution practices and providing policy recommendations for a future EU support scheme. This 18-month journey includes a research phase, launching a digital platform, testing a support scheme, and designing policy recommendations. Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and co-managed by a Consortium of 5 organisations: IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts, the European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, EDN – European Dancehouse Network, and IDEA Consult. Fitxa teknikoa Egilea: Uninvited Guests. Ekoizpena: Fuel Interpreteak: Jessica Hoffmann and Richard Dufty Zuzendaritza: Paul Clarke Soinua eta laguntza teknikoa: Ross Flight Photo: Boudewijn Bollmann, Billennium, STRP Festival, Eindhoven, 2019. Iraupena: 90’ Hizkuntza: Ingelesa, ingelesezko azpitituluekin. Adina: +16 Data: ekainak 20, 19:00 CET. Tokia: Online Ikusleek Interneterako konexio ona daukan ordenagailua eta telefono mugikorra edo tableta bezalako beste gailu bat eduki beharko dituzte. The audience will need a computer with a good internet connection and another device such as a mobile phone or tablet. Teaser tickets
Sarrerak: Dohainik

3€, 5€, 10€.


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